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Hustling into 2020

Writer's picture: Bountiful BridgeBountiful Bridge

It's happening. Another decade is ending and we are headed into a unique new year - 2020.

The new year hasn't even begun but it has got me thinking about what this last decade has meant to me. In the last ten years, I have had twins (yikes!), changed jobs three times, reconnected with old friends, made many new friends, lost loved ones, and grown beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

Yes, there have been many challenges such as caring for ill loved ones, working through my daughter's diagnosis of JA, and well, life. However, I have also spent many days full of joy and laughter. I traveled to Europe for the first time, gained two little fur nuggets that make us laugh every day, and have been given the gift of each day to appreciate many sunrises and sunsets. I've learned to appreciate the smallest and biggest positive in every day.

Life is far from perfect. There are days that I struggle through stress and think "How will I get through this day?". Somehow or through the strength of some one person or thought, I stand back up and keep going. It's not always easy. In fact, in these last few days of reflecting on not only ending another year but now moving onto a new decade, I can't help but think about how I want to move toward.

Let me explain. Does anyone else fall into the weird vortex of not knowing what day it is during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day? I love it and I hate it. I eat a little too much, drink more than a little too much and totally enjoy the days of relaxing and just being. Eat, Drink, and Be Merry is a shorter explanation of my days during this time - LOL. I also find that I am very reflective and sometimes a little frustrated, if I feel like the last year hasn't been what I may have wanted it to be. This year, I've found a new life lesson: If you're not happy with where you are, hustle to find it.

Where I found my inspiration may sound a little odd but here it is. I've spent more than a few hours on Netflix this past week and based on what I've watched (aside from Friends reruns), unconsciously, there's been a reoccurring theme: hustle. Here are the three shows that I am finding New Year's inspiration from:


1.) Shine On with Reese Witherspoon - yes, she is one of my most favorite actresses but damn, she is inspirational and seeks out strong women that have drive and passion towards positive change for the future. Hello, P!nk, Dolly and Ava DuVernay!!! This is a must watch for any woman and girl because these women have found their drive and hustle. It's truly contagious.

2.) Glow Up - this show is the makeup lover's version of Chopped. But man, do these MUAs (make up artists) have drive, talent and passion for their career dreams. And the creativity is amazing and inspiring!

3.) Kevin Hart: Don't F**k This Up - Ok. Hear me out on this one. It is so refreshing and fascinating to watch one man build an empire on his own, from truly nothing, and still struggle and f**k stuff up. He messes up (big time), loses his shit a lot, realizes his mistakes, learns from them and does not stop moving. He truly hustles his way through life. This series is truly inspirational, if only to remind you that you can get so much done in one day. Just watch him and you'll see. Oh, and he's hysterically funny.


Watch these shows and I promise, you'll be inspired to do more.

It's hard to believe that another decade has past, let alone that we are embarking on 2020. Even though time is passing by so very quickly, I'm finding that it's more about seeing what is in front of you and how you can learn from it.

So as the clock strikes midnight, if I'm not already asleep, I'll be ringing in the new year full of hope, love, and with a little more hustle in my step. Want to hustle your way across this New Year's bridge with me?

xo and Happy 2020!



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